Sunday 8 April 2012

An eggstraordinary Easter

So Easter's turned out not quite as planned, seeing as I've spent most of it in hospital.

No nothing is wrong with me, I've been regularly attending Queens Hospital as a visitor to my poor Mum.

You may remember I recently mentioned my parents were off on yet another holiday, well this one didn't turn out quite so well, despite staying in a 5* luxury resort in Mexico.

What happened is so random I admit I thought it was a joke. Give me a break for a second here - I'm not a bad daughter honest - I did receive news of said incident on April Fools Day!!

The parents had gone for a two week holiday and eight days in they decided to go for an early morning walk along the beach/water's edge. Once they were very far away from their hotel they saw some dogs on the beach, this was quite common and they always seemed quite harmless so no big issue.

Well there wasn't an issue, until that is one of the massive dogs decided to go for a run along the beach. My parents parted as he bounded down the beach to let the dog run through them. But, no, this canine chose a different path and ended up running straight at my Mum!

To cut a long story short the dog whacked into my Mum's right leg so hard it broke it and sent her flying over. Her left leg is nicely bruised and had some nice paw scratch marks on it too. Lovely.

How random is that? When we tell people she was on holiday they ask was she skiing or snowboarding. You then say it was in the sun, so they ask things like was she playing volleyball. What are the chances of a stray dog running up and breaking your leg??

After the beach paramedics' help and being quad biked across the sand to an ambulance, Mum's leg was put in plaster. My parents then had days of contacting their insurance company and sorting a flight home, Mum had to get around in a wheelchair and crutches and try and enjoy her time in the sun.

They arrived back in the UK on Wednesday and since then has been mostly spent visiting her in hospital, sitting with her for support and waiting for her to have an op to operate on her broken tibia.

She's now had the operation and the recovery begins, nobody has said how long this could take yet and the hospital won't let her out until she can walk unaided on her crutches, although she'll have to go in each week to have the leg brace they are going to fit loosened so gradually a bit at a time she can start to try and bend her knee.

Instead of family BBQs and spring days out planned, Mum is stuck in hospital, but she's done amazing so far. I'm so proud of her for staying strong and not moping about being there. Of course she's been getting a little fed up along the way, but overall she's being very strong.

Of course for my holiday-addict parents their main concern once Mum is better is will they be able to go on their citybreak booked for June. And for me? Well this has all turned into a good excuse to be lazy and not really go the gym and just tuck into some Easter treats, all this hospital visiting is very tiring you know...

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