Sunday 19 June 2011

Father's Day & Flu

Well today is Father’s Day and as we already know my Dad is not here this year – he’s off in Canada enjoying himself. I’ve already sent him a text and sent an update email on what’s going on over here with me. But I also thought this morning when I woke up of my friends who unfortunately do not have their fathers here anymore and I’m sad to say I know quite a lot of people who are young and without their Dad. So just a quick thought today out to them and any others who have lost their Dad xx

On another note as my Dad wasn’t here I was due to go to the in-laws today for some food and family fun, however so far I am still in my little flat dressed in my jogging bottoms and makeup-less and my boyfriend is sat joining me. The reason why? Man flu.

We both got absolutely drenched recently when we went to the Isle Of Wight festival – you know the one that everyone always says has lovely weather and in fact on occasion when they’ve been there has been almost too hot? No, not when we were there. We had sunny spells don’t get me wrong, but then came Sunday – the day of rain, a whole day and night of rain and super strong wind to be exact, it just did not stop. This in turn resulted in an absolute mudbath within the campsite, the fields which played home to the various stages, stalls and bars and the ‘car park’ (cut to memories of me trying to push the car wearing clean flipflops in thick mud…)

Due to the rain, mud and my new wellies letting in water (when will I learn not to keep buying ‘bargain’ clothes/footwear etc) we both went to sleep in a cold tent absolutely soaked and shivering. Now welcome to the result – we’re both ill, I have a sore throat, tickly cough and a mushy head and my man, well…he is dying, absolutely dying. Of course he is – he’s a man…

All credit to him, he actually is pretty ill if I’m honest, he’s got an awfully high temperature, he can just about talk and he’s full of aches and has completely lost his appetite. I also know he’s pretty ill as he adores his niece and nephew and is currently giving up the opportunity of seeing them to stay at home and get better.

I’ll admit I am not a typical girl in that sense and can myself be accused of being struck down with ‘man flu’ on many occasion. When I get poorly I completely feel sorry for myself and it’s all I can focus on and I use it as a great excuse to have tons of chocolate ice cream (for my sore throat of course!) But this time round I’m trying to ignore the fact I’m ill as I have a job interview Tuesday which I HAVE to be normal for and I have interview prep and job hunting to do. Therefore I have to just get on with it and deal with being unwell.

So why is it guys seem to develop this uber awful version of whatever illness they get? What makes things so much harder for them? Should us girlies be more sympathetic to their woes?

Well if you want to help your man in his hour of need, check out this site I found it very entertaining, sure to generate a few giggles, even if it doesn’t miraculously cure his dangerous disease!
However, perhaps I need to step back and consider he genuinely is ill and in fact does suffer more than me? According to some research last year there is indeed evidence stating that men put fun and ‘adventure’ above their health and so are more prone to get sick.

For now I’m going to grab the Ben & Jerry’s out the fridge and ease my throat, whilst enjoying the sounds of huffing and puffing coming from next to me as my boyfriend tries to deal with his sickness and make sure I’m fully aware he’s still ill…

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