Sunday 6 January 2019

Festive fatty

Breastfeeding two babies, never sitting down for more than a few minutes, making note of what I’m eating and roughly monitoring calories, walking everywhere because I can’t drive, pushing a big tandem pram/buggy, stress. There were various reasons I believe the weight probably came off so quick after I had the twins.

I found myself at one of my lowest adult weights I could remember, people even commented to stop and don’t lose anymore. Although to be honest I was still aiming to drop a few more pounds. Or moreso tone up my tummy, work on my pelvic floor and strengthen my core to get my lower body strong and back in shape.

After I had twins I had a bad case of diastasis recti and this resulted in me getting NHS physio to help try rectify the damage done. The lady I saw was amazing and I’d go for regular sessions to be checked and given a set of Pilates style exercises to do a few times a week. When I could fit them in I could definitely feel and see my body getting stronger.

However, after being signed off as my 4cm ab gap had shrunk to about 2cm and there wasn’t anymore guidance they could give, I suddenly just couldn’t seem to find the time to fit my physio exercises in. The result? My tummy isn’t great again and as my other half always moans I’m always going for a wee!!

Despite this a week before Christmas I had lost over 2 stone since having my twins in February (so in about 8.5 months) and in actual fact 3.5 stone if you go by my weight 12 days before the twins were born.

And what did I do? What I always do when I start to feel happy with my weight...get off the wavelength and start indulging (this time for Christmas)...I now would need to lose around 8-9lbs to be back to the lowest I’d achieved.

Doable yes. The only problem is I’m still not ‘on the wavelength’, I am firmly in eat too much territory.

Given it’s now not great weather I’m not walking as much, the twins have now stopped breastfeeding totally (another post on that to follow another time) and I’m scoffing everything in sight, it’s not a great recipe for success.

Why do we do it to ourselves? I enjoyed Christmas don’t get me wrong - all the treats tasted great and amongst all the chaos of 3 under 3 it was fab fun enjoying lots of yummy food (and drink given I wasn’t pregnant this time!)

However I’m now in a January mope and not happy with how I’m starting to look and feel. And the worst bit is despite feeling this way, I’m still wanting to eat eat eat!

So send help!

Any idea how to get back on track?? Let me know. (No fad diets, pills, juices or plans though please!)

1 comment:

  1. Same happened to me when the Breast Feeding dwindled and then eventually stopped.. the weight went on as I was indulging and my body had nothing it could do with it... so the 4st I lost became just 1st. Please don't beat yourself up. You have 3 children under 3 and you are a role model to them (and to me). Just look after yourself please and take some you time... maybe some us time... yell if you want some timeout and we can indulge together. Xx
