In this current world where there is so much hate and anger and nastiness, it feels like we’re very much in need of the reminder on today’s World Kindness Day.
Be kind.
It’s so tempting at times when most people you encounter seem selfish, rude or impolite. Why should you be the one to make the effort and be pleasant?
Bringing children up in the world right now at times makes me feel sad and guilty. They’re growing up in what seems like pretty negative times and it doesn’t feel you experience kindness all that often!
Like most parents I often experience parenting guilt, am I bringing the children up right? Are we teaching them how to be decent people? What are the traits we want and need them to have?
At present we’re also in the middle of viewing primary schools in order to decide on our ideal choice for our eldest.
I won’t lie it’s so far been a lot tougher than I imagined it would be. First off, what should you be looking for? What’s important?
The chances of even getting your first choice where we live are pretty slim as it is.
Plus things have changed a lot since me and her Dad went to school, we’ve learnt that for sure when doing these visits!
One point I think we’ve always agreed on is a huge thing we do want to make sure of is our children are kind.
And today we had our preschooler’s 2nd ‘parent-keyworker’ meeting and learnt just that.
As I sat with tears welling in my eyes I felt myself burst with pride and my heart swell to hear how our firstborn is kind and caring, what a sensitive soul she is, how she helps comfort the new and younger children coming to the preschool and more.
Yes I asked and heard about more academic areas which are super important to me. However, it made me so happy to hear our little girl was so sweet and thoughtful.
In a way hearing more how she behaves when she’s away from me and her Dad and siblings has also helped shed some light for me on what sort of school might suit her too.
So thank you to my darling daughter on this World Kindness Day for making me so proud of how kind you are turning out to be.
(And as an added bonus our twin boy has now learnt and likes to say I Love You!)
So why should you be kind to others? Why make the effort when people seem so selfish nowadays? Think how it makes you feel when someone is kind to you and there you’ll find your answer