You wonder...
Why it happened to me
Why some people are so against people sharing their experience
What would’ve happened if it hadn’t happened
What sort of sibling you would’ve been
How different life would have turned out
Were you a boy or a girl?
My heart’s always felt boy
Why the world wasn’t ready for you right then
That bump
Those flutters
That secret
That sense of worry
That day
Those words
That void
That heartbreak
That journey
Those tablets
That op
That torture
That loss
Those tears
That constant ache
That dark time
That recovery
Those walks
That gradual improvement
That mistrust of my body
That second chance
Those feelings
That pregnancy
That fear and concern
That happy time
Those amazing moments to cherish
That rainbow baby
That new life
That rollercoaster ride
Those memories
That little girl
That chance of a sibling
That shock news
Those twins
That confusion
That final gratitude
That constant wonder what if and why
Those three siblings and you
That memory, never to leave
That love for all but still that loss