Friday, 6 January 2012

Boxing away the blubber

I couldn't grip a pen properly afterwards, my arms were so sore and heavy and I was a sweaty mess.

This was me last night after I decided to do Boxercise as my fourth day of activity. I looked great! After viewing a 'hilarious' video of me and my boyfriend dancing on New Years Eve minutes before, I was determined to shift some fat last night. I looked huge in the video and I had anger to release, Boxercise seemed the perfect option.

Shouts from my boyfriend about how unfit I was didn't help matters, but did help my punches!

We did half an hour of a mix of Boxercise moves, planks, wall squats, press ups and 'Jesus arms' (well that's my boyfriend told me they're called). I ached, I sweated and I swore.

Once I was sat down eating my healthy salmon, vegetables and new potatoes dinner I soon relaxed. Though I had used muscles that had gone untouched for so long I couldn't grip my pen properly to write in my food and exercise diary!!

Only after a few hours at work today did I start to feel human. Now even work's not safe, I'm trying to drink more water and so every five minutes I seem to be rushing off to the toilet! Oh this fitness lark is fun...

Tonight is the gym, for an hour max I think, then an early night ready for my Maid of Honour duties tomorrow - exciting times. Well exciting/depressing when they tell me none of the dresses fit..

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