Thursday, 5 January 2012

Beat the blip

I admit it, I nearly fell on the third day of this healthy eating/exercise plan…Last night as I sat on the train home all I could think about was getting in to my nice warm flat, eating some dinner and relaxing. I felt tired, the train was taking ages and the weather was horrendous. Again.

After turning into psycho girlfriend from hell (hey I was hungry…) when texts got crossed and I couldn’t find my boyfriend who was picking me up, I was left standing in the cold soaking wet and moody. When we found each other and then got home the last thing I wanted to do was exercise.

Once I’d eaten dinner (healthy meal of white fish, couscous, rocket and mixed bean salad thank you very much), I actually found I was feeling a lot better. After watching a bit of TV I forced myself up off the sofa and actually did some exercise. Now, don’t get me wrong it was nothing major I admit, but I worked out on my Wii Fit and spent half an hour on there. Who knew Step Plus, Jogging and Hula Hoop-ing could be so much fun??

I fear though that my life is starting to take a turn down a rather dull road with this whole health kick. You know what I did after Wii Fit? My treat for actually making myself do some exercise? I had some dry Branflakes to eat, a cup of low fat hot chocolate and watched One Born Every Minute. Try not to get too jealous now…

Today I’ve been trying to decide what to do tonight and am not impressed with this stupid weather we’re having. I wanted to maybe brave another run, but if this rain and wind continues I fear I’ll end up being blown into the road or something and then my weight won’t ever be an issue…Not exactly what I have in mind!

I think if the bad weather continues, the option most likely is Boxercise. One thing I’m trying to do is keep things varied so I don’t bore of following this plan of doing something every day. My boyfriend has Boxercise qualifications and we’ve got the pads and gloves at home, so it usually means I get a good workout. Of late there have been a few things which I think taking a bit of frustration out on some boxing pads will be useful for too!

I’m also conscious I need to work hard this week as on Saturday I’m definitely not going to have a chance to do any exercise and my diet is likely to be pretty bad., so I need to make up for it. My first weigh-in is on Monday…

Speak soon, but be warned, when I next blog I may have broken my ankle running in the dark, got a black eye from Boxercise or thrown my Wii control through the TV…

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