* sorry for any typos guys typing on a phone and with numb fingers (plus have been sofa-bound stuffing my face and not using my brain for the last couple of weeks!) *
So it's back to work for me today and my first blog of 2012!
This year is set to bring a host of events for close friends and I'm hoping the same will be said for me, we'll see...
So far we have three friends with babies due, numerous 30th birthdays (mine included, argh!!) and at least two weddings to attend (one of which I am maid of honour for. My boyfriend is running two marathons (within a week of each other!) Hopefully he will get a new job shortly and we have some tickets to the Paralympics to look forward to. In fact I'm pleased to say two separate sets of friends have already had their little ones, one around Christmas and one on New Years Day!
I have of course, like most of Britain, had a think about New Years Resolutions. Granted I always wonder why I bother since most of us don't stick to them anyway, but I felt I should at least give it a go.
My number one aim is to lose weight and get healthy again. In 2009 I started a healthy eating and exercise plan and over about a year/18 months I lost around three stone. Good work right? Hm it was until since Xmas 2010 onwards (so around the last year or so) I calculated yesterday I put about two stone of that back on!
So yesterday after we'd consumed near enough all the sweets and treats the days before, I started a healthy eating/exercise plan. I want to lose at least two stone (when I was at my lowest and in my 'ideal' weight range I still was looking to shift another 12lbs or so...)
So I will try and keep you posted on here how I get on. Who knows perhaps it'll help me stick to it. Be warned on weeks I lose nothing be prepared for some pretty stroppy blog posts!!
I did get a book for Christmas full of blogging tips though, so at least my blogs should get better and more frequent... Resolution number 2.
I have some other resolutions too but I'll share another time perhaps to avoid any issues (long story!)
One thing I may well consider for this year is new years eve again just me and my man and my little old flat. We were both set for a pretty boring evening, but had a great laugh - lovely meal, home made cocktails, lots of champagne, dancing, laughing etc etc. I would highly recommend it. Did you notice actually most people seemed to stay in this year?...
After a couple of lazy days, post new year's eve I admit the day didn't start great, in fact neither did the new year thanks to certain events (nothing serious don't worry!) The rain and wind chucking it down this morning and my delayed train weren't the most welcome on my commute back to work.
However, so far so good:
Gym visit yesterday and healthy eating
Healthy food shop yesterday
Healthy breakfast today and healthy lunch (fruit snacks to follow)
Some form of exercise and healthy dinner planned for tonight and watching Biggest Loser for inspiration (cringe, I know my TV taste is bad!)
Anyway I shall keep you posted. How did your New Year turn out? 2012 good for you so far? I'm off as my lunchbreak is nearly over and after - stupidly - sitting outside, I have nearly lost all feeling in my fingers!!
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