Tuesday, 21 March 2023

When your ‘privates’ aren’t so private

Today I did a thing.

I had a second shower after my gym class, made sure my bikini line was taken care of and then I took my underwear off and showed my vagina to a stranger.

Ha! Don’t panic, I’ve not gone mad, taken to ‘flashing’, nor cheated on my fiancé. 

Today was time for my smear test. 

At the risk of sounding patronising or annoying people who haven’t experienced similar, it was okay. I felt I should share that fact.

You know why? Because still despite campaigns and even widely publicised cases of people who didn’t get tested and in turn died in some instances, people do not want to go for their cervical screening. 

When I was at the gym this morning and I mentioned where I was off to today, one person admitted they didn’t mind the test whilst another told me a story of how someone she knew hates them and had her cervix caught during the process. Helpful, thanks. 

In fact when you tell most females you’re due your smear test or you’re going to it, you tend to get a look of pity or horror.

Some people don’t even go to have the tests because they’ve built it up as so bad they can’t bear to face having the procedure done. 

That’s right some people would rather not know if they’ve got cells that suggest they might have cervical cancer and can be treated because the test has caught it in time. They’d rather avoid said test that lasts a mere matter of minutes and risk not discovering something that could be stopped. 

Is it really that bad?  

Now don’t get me wrong prior to children and when you’re younger perhaps there might be the feeling of embarrassment or feeling nervous having someone look ‘down there’. I don’t know about you, but those who have had a baby I’m sure you are now way past that point! Or just me?…

I’m really lucky I think as the nurse at our GP practice seems to be a pro at smear tests - weird compliment I know, but it’s true! In fact every cervical screening I’ve had it’s been with her since I started having them! 

For some reason today I felt really anxious about going and the appointments were running late so I was sitting panicking for a bit. 

However once in the room as always she put me at ease. We had a little chat and laugh about things and before I knew it it was already done and finished. Genuinely.

I think once I had an experience with a nurse that was covering and it wasn’t as comfortable I distinctly remember. In fact she left the room with the device inside me to go get some swabs. Yes really! 

As much as that might have put me off though I can’t help but think to myself if I didn’t have the test done what then? What if something wasn’t right and needed attention and it got left unnoticed? And what if it was for too long?

I guess what I’m saying is for the sake of a couple of minutes of potential discomfort or embarrassment, versus facing the news you’ve got some severe disease or incurable condition . Well, where’s the choice? 

So next time you get that ‘dreaded’ text or letter, just go ahead and get booked up. It may not be as bad as you think…


  1. Well said Mel

  2. I also had my smear this week, the receptionist called and said she was ringing from my medical centre and was I free tomorrow around 10am which I said I was. She then said okay I will book you in for your smear totally took me by surprise! In a way I’m glad she did as I honestly think I would of put it off like I have been for a while. Like you I was so nervous but it was pain free and finished within minutes.
