Monday, 13 March 2023

Pressed for presents

With yet another occasion fast approaching, I found myself recently heading out to the shops in search of gifts. En route to the shopping centre I found myself thinking about what to purchase. What can I get this time?

It’s a question I end up asking every time one of the classic calendar events arises - whether it be birthday, anniversary or moreso Mothers/Fathers Day. 

Although the recipients always seem happy with what they’ve been given, I find myself feeling bad for seemingly having bought the same sort of item(s) as I’ve done before. 

In fact when going to the shops, I’d consciously thought I’ll try them this time, as in recent years I’ve tended to veer towards the online options to ‘get something different’. 

How much variation is there really in gifts to show your parent or loved ones they’re appreciated? 

What do they really want? 

If you were to ask me for example, when it comes to Mothers Day it’s nice to be shown appreciation for all you do with a treat and it’s so lovely getting something your child(ren) make for you and/or pick out for you themselves. Handmade/written cards are so lovely to get and keep and seeing the children’s faces so excited to give them to you and how proud they look is such a sweet moment to experience.

When you’re too old to do something like that, I tend to head towards gifts with nice words/meanings. 

Again though at the age of 40, I’ve now given quite a few birthday presents or gifts to say thanks to my parents and I really feel every time I’ve repeated myself. 

So what do you give? What do people really want on these occasions?

Should we step away from actual things to open and instead experience events together instead? 

I’ve tried to do afternoon teas, meals, spa days and similar. But again fitting these in when juggling everyday life commitments and young children can be a struggle.

People only need so many mugs or glasses to drink out of. They only have so much space to hang signs or display ornaments. 

So, what do you do?

Any tips of something that bit different to try? 

I’ll be by the flowers, chocolates and life quote decorations if you think of anything…

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