In fact, on checking GoodReads - I have read eight books this year already. Yes eight books over nine weeks, not bad going really.
Anyway, for once I'm not meant to be typing about books and my love of reading. No, this time I'm back to another favourite topic of mine - weight loss, fitness and health.
I've known some people argue they only blogged when they were a bit fed up or bored and in fact they blogged less when they were happier with life. Well, I'm not too sure how much I agree with that logic. One thing I can say though is I am certainly pretty happy at the moment.
Finally - after a very long time, well okay most of my adult life so far - I am starting to feel a boost in confidence. Don't get me wrong I still have things I'd like to change, but this time around of losing weight/getting in shape/getting healthier, I actually am getting a bit more comfortable with my body.
I know, I'm sorry to any men reading this, I appreciate I'm being a stereotypical female here and getting obsessive about appearance. Apologies if this comes across a tad dull, but I have to be honest here, I have only just started to feel a bit happier about how I look.
Finally something has clicked and - I think - I may have managed to find a balance between being 'good' and having treats. The majority of the time I aim to stick to a healthy diet and try to exercise whenever I don't have plans. However, if I have plans which involve alcohol or a fattening meal I go out and enjoy myself and allow myself something different for a change.
So far this year it seems to be working and since the start of the year I've lost seven pounds/half a stone and am at my lowest weight I can ever remember achieving.
I'm enjoying life and socialising/eating out (granted not regularly), but also keeping on track on other days and the weight is steadily dropping off, and what I've noticed moreso this time is that I'm getting more toned too.
Also - as someone who dreaded P.E. at school and used to fake notes/forgetting my kit to get out of it - I am shocked how much I genuinely enjoy and feel better for exercising. As you'll all know from my cringey blog posts I really love spinning at the gym and I've also now found I enjoy running (well don't get me wrong I still probably go at tortoise-pace compared to most people and I can just about do a 5k!)
Moreover if I don't do any exercise for a few days I can feel the difference, I feel stiff and achey, lethargic and I genuinely miss it. Yes friends who've known me for years as someone seemingly allergic to exercise and a Uni student who didn't even properly know where the gym was on campus this may seem a little odd. But it's all true.
It's funny, a few people I know are turning 30 this year, all are female and all have raised how scared they are of hitting the big 3-0. I have told them all (and meant it) that if I'm honest if anything I've felt happier since being 30.
2013 has been a mixture of a year already for a variety of reasons, with ups and downs already. However, overall I can feel a positive change - feeling healthier, looking healthier, enjoying new things. I've discovered I like more types of music than expected, I can enjoy all things a bit more cultured like ballet and exhibitions, as well as plays at the theatre.
Who knows maybe this is just how us girls feel when we hit thirty, maybe it's just a new year and revived sensation I'm getting as we're still early in the year. It may not be the weight side of things, but right now I feel the longer I manage to keep losing the weight/keeping it off in general I'm likely to have a smile on my face!

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