Thursday, 15 October 2015

In remembrance of our Little Seed

A super secret we'd been keeping, so excited about you
Weirdly I kept constantly worrying, was this all too good to be true

Things started to change and you felt more real
Your body changes quickly, but your heart takes so much longer to heal

We'll never forgot that moment, what should have been so great
Finding out instead it was all bad, so wrong, your sad fate

It feels such a long journey we've been on
Still each day feels so sad that you are gone

People start forgetting, moving on, seems so long ago
Not to us, neverending love and loss, remembering you, we'll always know

Right now I would have been on maternity leave
We would've been counting down to meeting you, not having to grieve 

In less than a month you'd be here
Making our life complete, our first baby, so dear 

Tonight we light a candle at 7 just for you
We will always love you, remember and miss you too

All those people out there who too have loved, lost and grieve
It's so sad how many have been through it, so hard to believe 

I salute you all who've made it through 
More than once, at later stages and more, something nobody should ever have to do 

Thanks go to our friends and family who've been so strong for us
Always there and ready to listen, not thinking we're just making a fuss

All the flowers, cards and thoughts we got back in May
Proved to me just how much our Little Seed would've been loved each and every day 

So on this day of remembrance we light this candle for you 
For our eternally loved first child who never made it through 
For all those others like us who know how it truly feels 
Maybe never born but still oh so very real 

Little Seed we love you and always forever will 
One day I hope your brother/sister will come, you'll always be there and remembered of course still 

Rest in peace and watch over us our angel baby
We loved you and always will, love your Mummy & Daddy xxx

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