Sunday, 11 January 2015

Tutu-ly beautiful ballet

As one of my Christmas presents from my fiancé I had surprise tickets to the ballet.

Swan Lake.

I've always wanted to see Swan Lake, I remember it from when I was a little girl for some reason but I couldn't tell you why. 

I did go ballet classes for a short time when I was really little so maybe they showed us it, played the music or talked about it. I just remember knowing of Swan Lake from a young age.

Then Black Swan came out a few years back and it reminded me again. 

Knowing this - as he always does - my man got tickets so we could finally go see it.

So on Thursday evening we visited the London Coliseum and watched the English National Ballet. 

Each time I've seen this company I've been impressed, but the dancing in this performance was truly amazing.

Apparently the lead ballerina is 40 years of age? If this is true she is one talented woman. 

I lost count of the turns, pirouettes and pointes. 

The show was split across four acts. I have to say my favourite was act 2, the 'swans' dancing were so beautiful. It was mesmerising.

We were in the dress circle so I couldn't quite see the costume detailing, but I could see the sparkles on Odette's outfit. 

Even the male ballet dancers impressed me, normally I focus more on the females but the lead who played the Prince (his debut in the role that night) was so talented.

Now I can't wait to find another ballet we can go to. 

I was telling someone the other day how a few years back we tried to become more 'cultured' and visited galleries, museums, ballet and the opera.

I have to say ballet is still a firm favourite and it's good because my other half seems to enjoy it too.

The only thing I always wonder is why at times the ballerinas seem like feathers and completely weightless and you can't even hear their footsteps, yet at others it seems quite loud? 

My fiancé laughed at me but last time we saw the company I could swear I couldn't hear their feet on the floor at all. At the start of this production I really did notice the footwork sounds. 

Who I am to comment on their dancing and how light they are on the feet is anyone's guess. I certainly couldn't do it! (As my partner was quick to tell me!) 

If anyone knows what I'm talking about and if it distracts you too I'd love to know!

Regardless, I throughly enjoyed Swan Lake and can't wait for whatever we decide to experience next! 

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