Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Slowly but surely

Sitting on the sofa I've got the guilts a bit this evening. I'm watching trashy reality TV - the Celebrity Big Brother final (the shame!) 

In front of me is the following view:

Yes. A huge pile of cardboard boxes. My lovely fiancé went and got these for me so I can pack up all the 'stuff' I've accumulated after nearly 7 years in my flat.

I started the 'declutter' and sort out last Saturday and since? Erm, well...not a lot.

I'm so excited to move out and buy a house with my man, but I am being so lazy about the steps beforehand to get to that point.

I need to sort it out!

I also kept eating bad food and lazing about. 

However, last night I started back on the 30 Day Shred and I've been eating healthily the last two days.

To try and stay on track I've started using the MyFitnessPal App again, just to help encourage me to watch more closely what I'm eating. I typically keep a food diary and use a very old Weight Watchers points system to help guide my intake. For now I think calorie counting is needed though. 

Tonight I finished work a bit late and I was pretty sleepy when I got home. I knew I couldn't give up already though and so tonight I did my workout DVD again.

It's frightening how quickly your fitness drops. I feel such a weakling at the moment. Just doing the moves with my super light hand weights I can feel my arms, shoulders and thighs aching. And even doing squats my glutes were starting to hurt.

I was pleasantly surprised this morning at not being too much in pain. Particularly that my bad back hadn't come back! 

Part way through I was regretting starting the workout. But as circuit 3 came around I knew I was nearly done and so it wasn't going to be hard as I expected.

I think tomorrow however I will be finding myself with a few tight muscles!

So although I feel rubbish I've not made more progress with my flat sort out and some other points on my To Do list at home, I'm kind of pleased with myself for forcing myself to get back on track with my fitness and diet. 

Slowly but surely I'll get there! 

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