Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Hidden wardrobe wonders
I’ve blogged before about how therapeutic I find it when I have a clean and tidy home and recently I’ve found an even better feeling – sorting out your wardrobe!
I was on a shopping trip with my Mum on the weekend to help her build a new wardrobe of outfits and I ended up coming home with more (2 pairs of heels, 3 pairs of boots, fake fur gilet, 1 top, 1 dress, 1 cardigan and 1 jumper)! As a result my boyfriend helpfully reminded me of the fact that the clothes and footwear I currently have don’t fit in my wardrobes, let alone adding more to them…
As I looked at my bedroom floor covered in clothes, bag and shoes that had been discarded after giving up on trying to squash them into the cupboards, I had to agree. I genuinely had needed some boots as the ones I had were scuffed and letting in water when it rained, so I promised I would throw out the old to make room for the new.
This is where it all started on Sunday afternoon aiming to throw out some old boots and 5 hours, 6 large bags and 1 bin liner later I’d cleared out my whole wardrobe! I sorted through bags, nightwear, jumpers, tops, cardigans, coats, dresses, trousers, shoes, boots and sandals and found lots of it I haven’t worn in months, maybe years, or they were in such a sorry state there was no sense in keeping them.
I’d woken up on Sunday feeling guilty as I’d gotten up late and skipped spinning and I was worrying I was going to waste the day. Granted I was exhausted by the evening but I’d managed to get so much done – a few sets of washing, cleaning my flat and doing this huge wardrobe sort out. I felt great.
Last week I kept feeling fed up and down and couldn’t snap out of this mood, but since organising all my clothes, shoes and accessories (and being in clean flat) I’ve felt so much calmer and more upbeat. May make me sound sad and a little odd, but it’s true.
The best bit through all this though? Acquiring a new wardrobe – no not just from my purchases on Saturday at the Essex retail heaven that is Lakeside, but from rediscovered items found in the dark depths of my cupboards and long forgotten.
I’ve found perfectly good black knee high, kitten heel boots that I’d forgotten about (I’ve had them for years now and for whatever reason didn’t wear them much), I’ve found two really cute dresses for work (still with the tags on) and some ‘city shorts’ again still sporting their store tag. My gym gear is no longer stuffed down the side of my bed between the frame and the bedside table – it fits on a shelf all of its own. I don’t have to carefully pull items from a pile stuffed into the wardrobe and hurriedly slam the door shut before everything falls out.
No, I’ve spent every morning so far this week carefully selecting outfits to wear to work, knowing exactly where said items will be. I’ve picked out which coat looks best, now my hall cupboard isn’t crammed full of too many old and unworn jackets and I’ve received numerous compliments!
At my office we’re pretty much allowed to wear what we want (obviously smarter when meeting clients) and when I first joined I missed wearing my ‘office’ wear I’d accumulated over the years. However I soon got used to the more relaxed approach, but unfortunately this also involved me wearing similar outfits each day (usually consisting of jeans and whatever top I could get out the cupboard the easiest). Now I feel like I’m making an effort again and actually wearing nice things regardless of whether I am seeing a client or not.
It’s odd how a new outfit or a bit of organisation at home can influence other areas of your life, but what I’ve really loved is finding these hidden gems in my wardrobe.
The only problem now is trying to stick to this setup now and keeping everything neat and tidy, particularly when you’re someone like me who loves a bit of retail therapy. However, discovering that I have enough ‘work dresses’ for well over 2 weeks straight, without wearing the same thing twice, I think I’ll be alright for now…
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I know its not very charitable, but I had a clear out and got £7.20 for two bags of clothes from a local 'Clothes 4 Cash' company. Ignoring the fact that it was an Eastern European lady and there's probably questionable ethnical issues, I was pleased that not only did I get rid of clothes that I didn't need or want, I also got some cash at the end of it!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip and comment! Lots of people have said eBay the items or have a bootsale. Normally I give all my bags of clothes to Barnados charity shop or similar. Apparently there is also somewhere local that pays you for your unwanted clothes by weight? Only thing that worries me is if I get cash for them I'll just go out and refill my wardrobe again!