As I’m sat here in my pjs, having consumed a glass of wine, thinking about having fish and chips for dinner (and understandably having put on a lot of weight the last week - er actually month!) I realise maybe I need to take on board the whole new year, near me crap we hear each New Year.
The majority of people tend to make resolutions as the year ends and a new one begins and everyone laughs as let’s be honest who rarely ever actually keeps to them?
You know what though? For the sake of sticking to those old cliches what would I try to do if I were to make any resolutions? One I might actually have any hope of keeping?
Well quite frankly 2019 - admittedly along with a few other years - showed me true colours from a number of individuals in various walks of life.
If there’s one thing I need to learn to do and to teach my children to attempt to do is not worry so much about everyone else.
I really my want my kids to be kind and consider other people’s feelings. But to be honest I hope they’re not so conscious of them as I am.
You know why? When you worry so much about how others feel and think you really do neglect your own wellbeing, big time. And I hate to say it a lot of people take you for a mug.
Now I don’t want to suddenly become a cold, selfish, out-for-all-they-can-get kind of person, but I seriously need to stop and look at me.
Not worry what someone might think if I say no, or if I speak my mind, I ask for help I need, I take time for me. Not worry how others may cope if I take my foot off the gas at times.
If becoming a Mum has taught me anything - and believe me there have been a fair few lessons - it’s that time really does fly and once you start to put yourself low down on the pecking order and near the back of the queue (okay pretty much the end of the line most of the time!) then it doesn’t take long for it to become the norm.
This year I feel I really need to find a way of worrying about me.
If others show me they’re not too concerned if they offend me, then right back at ya. If I see those signs I need a break then take one, if it makes others struggle temporarily as a result so be it.
I’ve always been so focused on keeping the peace, not offending and making sure everyone around is happy I’ve realised I’ve kind of forgot myself in the process.
It’s a new decade so what better time to get right out my comfort zone and be concerned with me?