A birthday thought
Nobody knows how much I miss you
How empty I still feel
Nobody knows the daily struggle and heartache
The fact I was ever pregnant no longer seems real
Nobody knows I'm changed forever
You're imprinted on my soul and heart
Nobody knows the overwhelming feelings
How much I loved you already right from the start
Nobody knows the envy
The hurt and anger that hits me everyday
Everybody else has got their wish
How comes it was only us that had to experience that godawful day
Nobody knows how hard each event now is
Yet another painful blow
Nobody knows each occasion a reminder of loss
What we had, how we miss you so
Nobody knows how short it seems since we lost you
Yet how long it feels to wait
Nobody knows I'll never be 'over it'
So much emotion, anger, jealousy, hurt and hate
Nobody knows what I think of every minute of every day
What should and could have been
Taken away from us the memorable experiences and happy times, precious moments we should have seen
Nobody knows the struggle is endless
It can't be brushed aside
You can't put a label on it, from these constant reminders you cannot hide
Nobody knows I'm exhausted and empty,
The brave face and positivity such a tiring strain
Reliving those moments and realising the reality again and again
Nobody knows today on my birthday, what should be a happy time
Celebratory messages and wishes galore
The rain mimics my tears over what was mine
I will always love you, miss you and want a new you for forever more
Rest in peace my darling Little Seed
Please one day soon come back to me
We love each other so much as a two but we're so ready to be a three