Monday, 20 January 2025

Life begins at 40?

always remember when young the many cards and items stating how Life Begins at 40.

However, since reaching 40 in recent years I feel it’s actually life’s aches and pains that start at this age! 

Previously I’d heard others say jokingly to wait until you hit 40 and you’ll start feeling old. 

I turned 40 three years back now and it was very odd, but literally within the month of my birthday I suddenly experienced random health problems!

Since then I’ve really felt my age with various health items.

The only way I can describe it is just being more aware of ageing. I feel I need to do more to take care of myself and to feel ‘normal’ even.

In addition, body shape and fitness have really changed. Previous ways to get back in shape no longer seem to work and I’ve had to adjust what I do.

Talking with other women in the gym and on the school run I know I’m not alone. 

It’s funny where people live longer nowadays I think I expected ageing symptoms to happen later on too. 

When you’re young, getting older seems such a long way away and your perspective is so different. 

I can remember seeing 30 year olds and thinking how grown up and old they were and how they had everything all sorted.


People tell you how they still feel in their 20s and now I get it, you’re still the same person inside but outside you change. It’s not until I look in the mirror and see my face I realise how different I look and that I am getting older. 

So what should you do? In the past people spoke about growing old gracefully or looked down on those who were seen to do the opposite of that.

Now? I think it’s more about having a balance and doing what’s right for you. 

Yes, I’m getting older and things are changing. Yes I’m getting all new aches and pains and some days I feel a lot older than I am. 

However, I also know from reading, instructors at the gym, various social media accounts and the like what I can do to help.

For example, certain exercises to do or avoid, such as doing more weight lifting to help build the muscle you lose as you get over 40.

So yes I definitely feel like aches and pains begin at 40, but it’s simply a case of learning to adapt and do what’s right for you!